October, 2023

This agreement (“Terms” or “Agreement”) contains terms and conditions applicable to the use of the products and services included in ENTRE’s AIIC Promo. By placing an order for ENTRE’s AIIC Promo package, You agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and our Privacy Policy, which covers how we collect, use, share, and store your personal information.


1. Definitions

Effective Date means the date upon which You place an order for the products offered within the ENTRE’s AIIC Promo.

Curriculum means a set of courses constituting an area of specialization.

MasterMind Communities A community guided by ENTRE Institute focused on the AI course, to help ENTRE students collaborate as they implement course material.

Price means the amount to be paid by You to ENTREInstitute for the products purchased as quoted to You at the time You place an order.

Product means offering described under Product and Services.

Upsell of Product means adding an additional product to a previously purchased ENTRE product.

Promo Period means the products and services denoted in this Agreement will be available for purchase till October 29th 2023.


2. Update of Terms and Conditions and Electronic Communications

We may modify these Terms and our Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes to it, we will provide You notice through our support services, or by other means, to provide You the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. Your continued use of ENTRE’s Product after we publish or send a notice about our changes to these terms means that You are consenting to the updated terms as of their effective date.

Information communicated through electronic communication such as email are considered forms of electronic communication. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, You agree that we may communicate electronically with You and that such communications, as well as notices, disclosures, agreements, and other communications that we provide to You electronically, are equivalent to communications in writing and shall have the same force and effect as if they were in writing and signed by the party sending the communication.


3. Products and Services

This Agreement applies to ENTRE’s AIIC Promo Package which may include all or a subset of the below:

  • AI Implementation Coaching
  • AI- Powered ENTREpreneur Course
  • Eligible Bonuses

AI Implementation Coaching

A dynamic community of technology-forward implementers with our AI coaching program, featuring a mix of large group workshops to keep you on track and focused application sessions you can join based on your unique goals and needs. Gain the skills, knowledge, and support you need to excel in the fast-paced world of AI, all in just 12 weeks. AI Implementation Includes:

  • A “Home Base”
    • Weekly meetings with a like-minded community led by one of ENTRE’s High Performance Coaches to learn with, collaborate with, and make progress towards graduation (or certifcation).
      • These are weekly calls with a coach and a cohort group of up to 100 students who work through the course weekly.
  • Weekly Learning Labs
    • Focused application sessions you can join based on your unique goals and needs, covering topics such as Content Creation, Life Optimization, and Business Workfows.
  • These are sessions offered throughout the week that students can sign up for to learn more about specific aspects of AI implementation. Office Hours
    • Access to weekly AI Office Hours sessions with Tech Geniuses for help with technical troubleshooting

AI- Powered ENTREpreneur Course

AI-Powered ENTREpreneur is a course designed to empower you with the necessary skills to feel well-equipped using Artifcial Intelligence (AI) tools to get further in your professional and personal life. You’ll learn how to use AI tools for writing, video, audio, marketing, sales, automation, and researching to create an infnite content-generation machine that drives engagement and sales.

Eligible Bonuses

These are subject to You being eligible for the bonus based on criteria that is set by ENTRE during the promo period. These bonuses may be subject to change at the discretion of ENTRE.


4. Product Access

We are committed to preserving the timeliness of our content and continuously work towards its relevance. However, due to the swift developments in this field, our ability to update may be constrained. Please understand that the information is presented as-is, and we are dedicated to our best efforts to maintain its currency.


5. Right to Modify Products and Services

ENTRE Institute reserves the right to add, subtract or modify elements provided as part of your subscription, or to make modifcations that may affect a prior mode of operation of our services in the event we deem such modifcation will enhance our overall services delivered.


6. Payment & Termination

The initial term starts at the Effective Date and the AI Implementation Coaching will end after 12 weeks. The AI-Powered ENTREpreneur Course will be accessible to those who purchased this product post the end of the promotion.

Your payment amount and schedule is determined by the payment option you select during your checkout when making your product purchase."


7. Cancellation & Refund

You have the right to cancel your product purchase within 15 days from the time the purchase transaction occurred for a full refund. Requests for cancellation must be received within the stated cancellation period by providing notice via the Cancellation Request Form. Cancellation and refund requests are not accepted by any other means. Upon cancellation, access to all products and services purchased will be terminated.


8. Pricing

ENTREInstitute does reserve its right to alter the price of its products. Additionally, ENTREInstitute may, in its sole discretion, offer discounted prices from time to time as part of a temporary promotional campaign. Except where noted otherwise, all discounts offered for the Product on the Agreement are calculated based on our full retail price of the Product.


9. Default

Failure to make timely payment of the product purchased shall constitute default.


10. Remedies for Default

In the event of default on the terms of payment, ENTRE reserves the right to take such steps as it deems necessary to cure the default, including the suspension of access to any products, features or services being delivered under these Terms.


11. Outstanding Payment

In case of an Upgrade of a Product, any existing outstanding payments for the other product are not negated.


12. Release Waiver and Use of Video Recordings

Live sessions of classes including, but not limited to, Expert Live Instruction and Masterclasses, are usually recorded via Zoom. By attending these sessions live, You consent to give ENTRE Institute permission to use your name, likeness, image, voice and/or appearance for the following usages, including but not limited to incorporating recorded sessions into courses, developing new courses, website, social media, illustrations, digital media, reprints/reproductions, publications, advertisements, and any promotional materials in any medium.

If You would like to opt out, You must submit a request in writing to


13. Upgrade of Product

If You elect to upgrade to ENTRE Explorer, the following Terms and Conditions will apply.


14. Guarantee.

This Agreement does not affect, modify, or reset any existing guarantee periods that may be relevant to prior or concurrent purchases not covered by this Agreement.


15. Chargebacks.

You agree to contact ENTRE Institute to attempt to resolve any questions or concerns regarding the product and understand that a chargeback is not a valid form of requesting cancellation. In the event a chargeback is processed, ENTRE Institute reserves all rights permissible by law for collection of funds due pursuant to these Terms.


16. Disclaimers

No Promises of Income or Earnings. You agree to these Terms without the promise that you would earn a certain income or make certain earnings. You agree that ENTREInstitute does not offer a business opportunity program, a franchise, or a money-making solution. ENTREInstitute provides strategies that may or may not be applicable to certain industries, products, or markets. You agree to conduct your own due diligence before implementing any strategies for your particular business and will rely upon your own information, counsel, and advisors before undertaking fnancial risk.

Results. Every individual and/or business is unique in their business model and product and service offerings, therefore individual results will vary. As such, ENTREInstitute makes no representation, promise, guarantee or warranty as to your individual or business results; Individual’s results will vary. Purchases should be made with your complete understanding that utilization of any information, product and/or service provided will require your time and effort, and may be applicable only to certain situations or efforts.

Legal and Financial advice. ENTREInstitute do not offer any tax, accounting, fnancial or legal advice and refer You to consult your accountant, attorney or fnancial advisor on such matters.

Age of Consent. Our services and products are intended to be utilized by adults. By agreeing to this Agreement, You affrm that You are at least eighteen (18) years old or the legal age of majority in your state or province of residence, have read and understand this Agreement and agree to its Terms, and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding Agreement with ENTRE.

Code of Conduct. As part of the fulfllment of this product and or service, You may be included in events, groups or communities where they may have the opportunity to interact with team members, associates, clients or affliates of ENTREInstitute. As such, You are expected to adhere to any relevant codes of conduct or rules of engagement as published by ENTREInstitute. ENTREInstitute will make its best effort to post governing codes of conduct, however at its discretion, ENTREInstitute reserves the right to remove access to such events, groups or communities where an individual is abusive or demonstrates behavior it deems worthy of restriction. At its own discretion, ENTREInstitute reserves the right to substitute a similar and comparably valued product or service to fulfll the obligations of this Agreement. Restrictions for a code of conduct violation or abuse are not necessarily cause for cancellation, and do not warrant the return of funds for the subscription.

Compliance with all laws and regulations. You represent and warrant that You operate and/or operate your business in good standing, and agree that You and/or your business will only utilize our products and services for lawful purposes. You understand that you are wholly responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to operation of your business, including but not limited to any and all laws and regulations governing advertising and marketing or otherwise related to your business. ENTREInstitute shall not be liable for your violation of any laws or regulations.

17. Limitation of Liability

ENTREInstitute will not be responsible for damages suffered by You that are remote or speculative, or that ENTREcould not have reasonably foreseen on entry into this Agreement. ENTRE Institute’s maximum liability under this Agreement will not exceed the money paid pursuant to the subscription described in this Agreement. ENTREInstitute shall not be liable for any third-party expenses incurred by You.


18. Intellectual Property

The Product, whether modifed or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein, are and shall at all times remain ENTREInstitute’s sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances, whether the product has been modifed or not, shall it have or attempt to claim ownership of any intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.


19. Governing Law and Venue

This Agreement and any issue or dispute arising out of or otherwise related to this Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the State of Nevada, and the obligations, rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall be determined in accordance with such laws. The parties agree any such claim or dispute shall be exclusively brought in and decided by the state or federal courts located in Clark County, Nevada, and You hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of, and exclusive venue in, such courts, and forever waive any challenge to said courts’ exclusive jurisdiction or venue.


20. Arbitration

If You have a complaint or dispute, You agree to first contact us at to attempt to resolve such complaint or dispute. Any controversy or claim arising related to this Agreement or our Privacy Policy or your relationship with ENTREInstitute which cannot be resolved through such communications or negotiation within one hundred and twenty (120) days shall be resolved by binding, confdential arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) and judgment on the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. We agree that any claim we may have against You will also be subject to this arbitration provision, except as provided in the Indemnifcation clause below. The arbitration will be conducted by a single neutral arbitrator in Clark County, Nevada, unless both parties agree to conduct the arbitration by telephone or written submissions. The arbitrator shall be selected by agreement of the parties or, if the parties cannot agree, chosen in accordance with Rules of the AAA. The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the AAA’s Commercial Arbitration Rules and Procedures, in effect at the time of submission of the demand for arbitration. The AAA’s Rules are available at or by calling 1-800-778-7879. The arbitrator shall have the exclusive and sole authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, construction, validity, applicability, or enforceability of this Agreement, our Privacy Policy, this arbitration provision, and any other terms incorporated by reference into this Agreement. The arbitrator shall have the exclusive and sole authority to determine whether any dispute is arbitrable. The arbitrator shall have the exclusive and sole authority to determine whether this arbitration agreement can be enforced against a non-signatory to this agreement and whether a non-signatory to this agreement can enforce this provision against You or ENTREInstitute. The arbitrator shall follow the substantive law of the State of Nevada without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. Any award rendered shall include a confdential written opinion and shall be final, subject to appeal under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16, as amended. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Both parties agree that disputes will only be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated, on a class-wide, representative basis, or with any other arbitration(s) or other proceedings that involve any claim or controversy of any other party. Both parties expressly waive any right to pursue any class or other representative action against each other.

Failure or any delay in enforcing this arbitration provision in connection with any particular claim will not constitute a waiver of any rights to require arbitration at a later time or in connection with any other claims except that all claims must be brought within one (1) year after the claim arises (such period includes the one hundred and twenty (120) day informal resolution procedures described above). This arbitration provision sets forth the terms and conditions of our agreement to final and binding confdential arbitration and is governed by and enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16, as amended. Payment of all fling, administration, and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA’s Rules. In all other respects, the parties shall each pay their own additional fees, costs, and expenses, including, but not limited to, those for any attorneys, experts, documents, and witnesses.

Except where prohibited by law, You agree that any claim that You may have in the future must be resolved through final and binding arbitration. You acknowledge and agree that You are waiving your right to trial by jury, and agree to have any claims decided individually and only through final, confdential and binding arbitration in accordance with this provision.


21. Assignment

ENTREinstitute may assign its rights under this Agreement at any time, and without notice to You. Your rights under this agreement may not be assigned without our express written consent.


22. Force Majeure

ENTREInstitute shall not be responsible for any delay, damage or failure caused by any act of nature or other causes beyond our reasonable control.


23. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is found by the arbitrator or (if proper) a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect and such provision may be modifed or severed from this Agreement to the extent necessary to make such provision enforceable and consistent with the remainder of the Agreement.


24. Contacting ENTREInstitute

You are encouraged to contact us with any questions or concerns. Support is available via telephone during normal business hours, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Mountain via email at